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Welcome visitor!
My name is H.J. van der Weele.
I am teacher and painter of the famous Dutch art-group "De Haagse School".
I make paintings with flocks of sheep with a shepherd; also cows in a meadow and realistic landscapes with farmers. Those are like paintings of Mauve but I have tried to make the animals more live-like. I have also connections with Breitner and van Gogh. I have won a medal on the world exhibition in Chicago with my drawing "A Sandy Road" .
Some people now are planning to catalogue all of my paintings, etchings and drawings. That will be a difficult task, because most of my work has been sold to the USA, Canada and Great-Britain with the aid of the art dealers Richardson and Peacock.
This website has been opened to support this project. If you either possess paintings and drawings that have been signed with H.J. vd Weele or you have seen that somewhere
please contact us.
click here for a part of the database with my works: